Cracking the QR Code

You may have noticed the back of some consumer items sporting strange dotted images that could pass off as something out of Space Invaders. Called the Quick-Response (QR) Codes, these labels are designed to store data and also enable access to special content. However, some businesses do not utilise them to their full potential, which leads to some marketing misfires. You can avoid making the same mistake when you have a Calgary marketing specialist teaching you how to do QR coding right.


Many of your customers may be using mobile devices with special QR scanner apps linked to the cameras. This requires you to make QR codes that can be read faster; one way to achieve this is to make shorter URLs that actually direct to the correct landing page on the site.


Your customers can prefer transacting with you through some hard-copy materials. Aside from the above-mentioned back labelling, you can post the QR codes on promotional pieces like flyers, brochures, and even the official receipt. The latter is actually possible when, say, the expenses tallied are part of a reward-points programme. A QR code in a brochure can be programmed as a link to a special QR-only promotion

QR coding is only one of the many strategies you can use to attract more customers to your business. Effective placement will make the most of them.

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